Cesta Santa Cole: A Timeless Piece of Design Craftsmanship


Cesta Santa Cole is a timeless piece of design craftsmanship that has been around for more than 50 years. It was designed by the Spanish architects, Milà and Domènech, and has continued to be popular with designers and architects worldwide. This article will delve deeper into the history of Cesta Santa Cole, its design features, and how it has influenced the world of design.

The History of Cesta Santa Cole

Cesta Santa Cole was first designed in 1962 by architects Milà and Domènech. The lamp is made of a simple but sturdy structure of wooden rods and a hand-woven shade made from ribbon. The lamp was initially designed as an outdoor lamp for the Santa Caterina market square in Barcelona, Spain. However, its design and popularity have seen it become a fixture in indoor spaces as well.

The simplicity of the design and the use of traditional methods and materials make Cesta Santa Cole unique. The design has stood the test of time, and the lamp continues to be a favorite among designers and architects.

The Design Features of Cesta Santa Cole

The simplicity of the design makes Cesta Santa Cole stand out. The lamp is made up of a structure of wooden rods and a hand-woven shade made from ribbon. The shade is available in two versions, the normal and the large.

The wooden structure is simple yet functional, with eight rods that make up the base and a handle that doubles up as a switch for the lamp. The woven shade made from ribbon gives the lamp a soft, gentle glow that adds warmth to any space.

Cesta Santa Cole is available in table and floor versions, and the table lamp is also available in battery-powered versions. All versions are designed to complement any interior and are suitable for both residential and commercial spaces.

The Influence of Cesta Santa Cole on Design

Cesta Santa Cole has influenced the world of design in various ways. Its unique design and the use of traditional materials and methods have inspired designers to create similar products. The lamp has been featured in various design exhibitions worldwide, showcasing its timeless design and versatility.

The use of natural materials and sustainability are two of the main themes in modern design, and Cesta Santa Cole embodies these themes in its design. The lamp is hand-made, and natural materials are used to create a product that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing.

Cesta Santa Cole is a timeless piece of design craftsmanship that has been around for more than 50 years. The simplicity of the design, the use of traditional materials and methods, and the hand-made and sustainable nature of the product make it unique. The lamp continues to be a favorite among designers and architects worldwide and has influenced the world of design in various ways. Cesta Santa Cole is a product that will stand the test of time, and its timeless design will continue to inspire designers to create equally exceptional products.

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